Friday, November 13, 2009

Gearing up for finals......

If there is one word that will strike fear and excitement into the heart of a student it is "Finals"! Yes indeed..... and everyone knows it's true. All semester long we fight through homework and papers and reading and no sleep and stress and .... and .... and.... every other god forsaken activity that we are put through as students. Then on top of it all, just when were ready for it all to end..... we have "FINALS"! That on word invokes joy and happiness and RELIEF from all the above that was previously stated, but then we realize how much more work and stress and sleepless nights and reading and every other god forsaken activity that we have to do in order to prepare for the dreaded "FINALS", and on top of all that... there is the added stress of knowing that this one FINAL, will make or brake you..... ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!
So yeah... that is my state of mind and being at this moment. It is still a little ways off, but this hideous creature known as "Finals" is lurking around the corner, waiting and watching. But Hey... drown it out and enjoy the events that take place before finals.... like homework, reading, sleepless nights..... oh crap.... what kind of life do we live? LOL. but just imagine that some thing as dreaded as finals still produces: pleasure, excitement, relief, and accomplishment!
Yeah that's right!!! It's all worth it in the end!!!!!



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