Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween has become just another day.....

Greetings all,

Well it is sad to say, but Halloween has become just another day to me..... This is majorly disappointing, because Halloween has been my favorite holiday forever. I guess a part of me has died as I am so busy to participate in the activities that correspond with this ghoulish and festive event. Yes, between work and school and student rep responsibilities I do not have the time to practice the horrific events of the weekend. So everybody.... take note... because you have witnessed the death of a part of my life that I have enjoyed since I could ever remember......
Onto other events. I had some major success and failures over the last two weeks... Last Wed. I had great success with recruitment at the Aggie Ice cream event... This weeks event did not prove to be so successful. Of course the weather resembled that of Christmas instead of Halloween, and many of the students that came for Ice Cream were "repeats" from the previous week. I would have like to photographed event but my camera went the way of the dinosaur and died, and at the moment I can not afford another one..... So, needless to say... I served a lot of ice cream, ice cream that was solid as rock, if you don't believe me check out my blisters some time.
But I'm taking a different approach this next month.... Starting with a broadcast from Dr. Mueller. If any of you have had an opportunity to take a class from him you will know how much work is involved in one of his classes, but you will also know how great of an instructor he is, so needless to say, I'm excited about his lecture for CEU's students... Hopefully some interested History majors will show up as he is lecturing about the Black Death!!!
Well I'll be sure to let you know how everything works this week... Enjoy Halloween, if you can, and try to survive the events of the semester!



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