Friday, November 6, 2009

Country Music and the Black Death.... Huh? Sounds good to me!

Well hello there folks, How the hell are ya doin'? It's good to be in your local bar again...... LOL.... Yeah, so if ya can't tell I'm listening to some country music.... Hank III to be exact. If you want some music that crosses genres check him out... but I'll warn ya... It is not for the faint of heart!
Ok.... so onto this weeks activities...... Hmmmmm. Well, today we had our broadcast from Dr. Mueller! Man you want to talk about an amazing lecture! It really was awesome! The only thing that could have been better is if prospective students were there. Yeah, no one showed up other than myself and the USU Price staff that was working. I know Blanding was also hooked up to the feed but I don't know if they had anyone attend or not. Even though this event did not go as well as i planned there is some good that came from it, and I really believe that this will be a great recruitment strategy. The best thing about doing something like this, which has not been done before, you learn what should have be done differently. After talking with Brad we are going to work closely with the the CEU Professors, some of them mentioned that they would be willing to bring their entire class to a lecture like this, but it wasn't possible this time because I set the date and time before I spoke with them...... Yeah.. it was a stupid move on my part, but hind site is always 20/20.
Anyway.... tomorrow is our semester activity. So far it looks like this could be the best attended activity in Price in the last couple of years. As of noon today we had 30 students sign up for the USU Price Movie Night! Hopefully we will have a good turn out. I will be sure to let everyone know.... So the moral of this weeks blog is, work closely with professors, offer free movie tickets, and go check out HANK III!!!



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